Comparing jurisdictions


In American courtrooms, we can see some traditional symbols: the flag and the eagle.
The lawyers are seated facing the judge and the witness.
You will observe that the judge is always alone and the witness in a box next to him.
A typist transcribes all that is said during the hearing. A court usher is also present.

Image n°1 : Courtroom, United States.

Dominique Lemarié. felt-tip pen, 36x42,5 cm.

© Dominique Lemarié

Image n°2 : A murder trial, Chicago, United States.

Noëlle Herrenschmidt. 2001. pencil and watercolour, 32x41 cm.

© Noëlle Herrenschmidt

Listen to Noëlle Herrenschmidt, artist - 00:42 [MP3 - 0.5 Méga octets]