Stages of the proceedings

Speech in favour of the 'partie civile'

When there is a ‘partie civile’, their lawyer makes his speech first, because the defence lawyer must have the last word. The lawyer representing the ‘partie civile’ argues in favour of a guilty verdict. If the accused is found guilty, the ‘parties civiles’ can ask for monetary compensation for damages at a second hearing, which takes place after the criminal hearing, and without a jury. If the accused is declared guilty, the partie(s) civile(s) can demand monetary compensation for damages in a second hearing, which will take place after the trial and without a jury.

Image n°1 : The lawyers representing the 'partie civile' make their speech, Law Courts in Draguignan.

Sylvie Guillot. 2005. pencil and watercolour. 32,5x50 cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Listen to Sylvie Guillot, artist - 01:34 [MP3 - 1.1 Méga octets]

Image n°2 : The lawyers representing the 'partie civile' make their speech, Papon Trial, Law Courts in Bordeaux.

Noëlle Herrenschmidt. 1998. watercolour, 32x41cm.

© Noëlle Herrenschmidt

Listen to Noëlle Herrenschmidt, artist - 00:21 [MP3 - 0.2 Méga octets]