Portraits of the artists

Sylvie Guillot

For 10 years now I’ve been drawing in criminal courts, travelling the length and breadth of France wherever there are important media-covered trials or even totally unknown ones.
Having come to the job by chance, simply because I can draw quickly and rather well, I discovered a world unknown to me; a school of life where the pathetic, the horrifying, the funny, the miserable and the moving are all mixed together.
For an artist, the education is just fantastic, a permanent challenge where, as well as achieving likenesses of people, you have to capture a comical expression, an attitude, the ambiance in the courtroom or a crucial moment in the trial with nothing more than pencils and a few colours.
It’s sketching instantly from life, in my view the best drawing school imaginable, with just that element of urgency to get straight to the heart of the matter and produce a drawing that bears witness and shows emotions.

Visit Sylvie Guillot’s site at: http://www.sylvieguillot.com/index.htm

Listen to Sylvie Guillot, artist - 03:13 [MP3 - 2.2 Méga octets]

Image n°1 : Lawyer and the accused, Law Courts in Nanterre.

Sylvie Guillot. 2008. pencil and watercolour, 32,5x43,5 cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Image n°2 : Witness / defendant.

Sylvie Guillot. 2003. pencil and watercolour, 32,5 x 50 cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Image n°3 : The accused, Law Courts in Melun .

Sylvie Guillot. 2005. pencil and watercolour, 32x50 cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Image n°4 : Entrance of the the accused, Law Courts in Colmar..

Sylvie Guillot. 2004. pencil, 32,5x50cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Listen to Sylvie Guillot, artist - 01:13 [MP3 - 0.8 Méga octets]

Image n°5 : The lawyers representing the 'partie civile' make their speech, Law Courts in Draguignan.

Sylvie Guillot. 2005. pencil and watercolour. 32,5x50 cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Listen to Sylvie Guillot, artist - 01:34 [MP3 - 1.1 Méga octets]

Image n°6 : Exhibits, Fourniret Trial, Law Courts in Charlevilles-Mézières.

Sylvie Guillot. 2008. Pencil and watercolour, 32,5x50cm.

© Sylvie Guillot

Listen to Sylvie Guillot, artist - 00:25 [MP3 - 0.3 Méga octets]